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The death of customer service

If you ask me, 2019 should be the year where we all forget about customer service. Simply not good enough!

The evolution of customer service has been aligned with the evolution of technology, internet and online usage. To that you can add the overall change of the consumer behavior, whether through the natural generational gap or the mere reaction to those changes in technology, internet and online usage. Hence, customer experience

“Uber, Amazon, Zappos and some others have taken the customer service and morphed it into customer experience.”

Where in the past customer service was a more reactive, take care of issues when they arise kind of approach, in recent years this somewhat passive service has grown into something more involved. Hence, customer experience. if you ask me, 2019 should be the year where we all forget about customer service. Simply not good enough! Our customers who have gotten used to instant gratification, one click purchases, immediate no questioning refunds are programmed to expect the same level of experience when buying from us. These are the direct results of those technological, internet and online advances I have referred to. And so, Uber, Amazon, Zappos and some others have taken the customer service and morphed it into customer experience. They realized that if you create an experience for the customer, they will simply be much more inclined to return. As a customer. Even if it is complaining….you returned. And once you returned, we will give you an experience. An experience you will remember. An experience you will remember in a positive way. This way, your old brain will keep reminding you about that positive experience and will steer you towards...well...returning. It’s a simple formula if you think about it. A simple formula that is very challenging to maintain. Therefore, not too many succeed in keeping up with it. The problem for the rest of us then, lays with the fact that our customers are their customers as well. And there, they have a positive customer experience while with us, they simply get customer service. Erase customer service from your corporate vocabulary and start creating experiences for your customers. Positive ones. Positive customer experiences and they will return.



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